Quality in PV systems – Relevant Service Providers


For owners and operators of PV systems, as well as for users of the generated electricity, it is crucial that the PV system reliably produces the expected amount of electricity. The performance and reliability of the PV system depend largely on the quality of the components used, as well as of the workmanship – starting from the design of the system, its installation and the correct operation and maintenance.

For a PV project to be successful and meet the expectations of the stakeholders involved, quality needs to be considered from the early planning phase. Next to experienced service providers for the planning, installation and operation of the system, a network of institutions providing quality assurance services can be important partners in this endeavor. These include:

  • The National Standards Body – Badan Standarisasi Nasional (BSN) and the Technical Committee (TC) 27-08 for standardization for PV under the lead of EBTKE. BSN and the TC are in charge of developing the necessary quality and safety standards for the industry and making those standards available. You can find more information about available Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) here. Moreover, PV practitioners can actively get involved in standard development by using the public commenting phase for each standard in preparation to bring in their perspective.
  • Pusat Riset Konversi dan Konservasi Energi (PRKKE – previously B2TKE) provides testing services for the PV sector. PRKKE’s Laboratory for PV Module Quality Testing (LPKMF) offers the complete set of tests for PV modules according to the standard IEC / SNI 61215. The Laboratory for PV Component and System Testing (LPKSF) offers selected testing services for batteries, solar charge controllers, DC lamps and inverters as well as field testing services. The testing services for modules and other components may be used to check the quality of imported components, and for local manufacturers as a basis for certification or for research and development efforts. The field testing services, on the other hand, may be used during the installation phase, as part of inspection and commissioning procedures, or during the operation and maintenance of the system to investigate failures. You may also approach an expert at PRKKE if you have questions regarding performance ratio (PR) monitoring. Detailed information about PRKKE’s services is provided on their website.
  • Testing services for PV modules are also being established at PT Qualis Indonesia.
  • Inspection and commissioning services are offered by several institutions in Indonesia. The following are currently designated by Direktorat Jenderal Kelistrikan (DJK), Kementerian ESDM: PT PLN (Persero) Pusat Sertifikasi (also accredited by KAN), PT Andalan Mutu Energi, PT Prima Teknik System, PT SUCOFINDO (Persero), PT Serkolinas Aman Nusantara, PT Silma Instrumentama and PT Lintas Sinergi Kompetensi Nasional. Please check DJK’s website for up-to-date information about inspection and commissioning services. Inspections during installation can help to ensure that the PV system is built correctly. Before the system can start operating, the commissioning needs to be carried out to check that the PV system is safe and functioning. The commissioning and system certification is governed by ESDM regulation no. 10/2016. During operation and maintenance, regular inspections of the system may be carried out to identify possible faults. In this phase, inspection by an independent third party may be required in case of a warranty claim.
  • The National Metrology Institute – Standar Nasional Satuan Ukuran (SNSU) under BSN ensures the accuracy of measurements in Indonesia. SNSU and calibration laboratories across the country provide calibration for parameters with relevance for the PV sector, including electricity, photometry and radiometry, temperature, mass and length. Calibration of testing and measurement equipment ensures that the results are accurate and reliable. For a list of accredited calibration laboratories, please visit the website of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN). Calibration of pyranometer is available at Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG).
  • Product certification for PV modules is offered by the product certification bodies (LsPRO) TÜV Rheinland Indonesia, and PT Qualis Indonesia in cooperation with the PV module testing laboratory of PRKKE. PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) and PT Multicert Global Indonesia also plan to offer the service soon. Additional information is available on the respective company websites.
  • Moreover, competency standards for PV practitioners are available. Personnel certification bodies issuing SKKTK certificates can be found on the website of DJK while personnel certification bodies for SKKNI are designated by BNSP.
  • Finally, the National Accreditation Committee – Komite Akreditasi Nasional (KAN) confirms the competence of testing and calibration laboratories as well as inspection and certification bodies through accreditation. If a quality assurance service provider is accredited by KAN, this confirms that a quality management system is in place and that the services are performed in a competent and reliable way. Moreover, as KAN has agreements with other accreditation bodies across the world, the assessment results are valid internationally.

If you are a PV practitioner and need support to assure or improve quality in your work, please check the websites of the above-mentioned institutions and reach out to them with your request.

IND VERSION – Kualitas dalam Sistem Fotovoltaik (PV) – Penyedia layanan yang relevan​

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