PT.Kusuma Energi Mentari

Establishment Date:
Type of Business (Cluster ) :
Engineering Procurement and Construction, O&M Service


Jl Sedane No 12 Kelurahan Bugangan Kecamatan Senarang Tengah Kota Semarang

Company Profile

PT Kusuma Energi Mentari was established in 2018 and oriented as an EPC (Engineering-Procurement-Construction) & Maintenance company for renewable energy, particularly solar energy (solar power plants) for household, industrial, and commercial needs.

Company Size
< 100 people

Cumulative Installation (MW)
2 MW

Product Profile

We provide renewable energy solutions, especially solar panels, with various systems such as On Grid, Off Grid, and Hybrid. Our company always strives to provide the best to our customers, one of which is through employing professional and experienced workers in their fields

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